How to Diet Food Review - Figs

If you are interested in dieting, you may have heard talk of how to diet. I can almost guarantee you haven't heard everything though. In fact, if you read the rest of this how to diet review, you'll discover three features almost nobody is talking about...yet...

Diet Incorporation

Want to try figs, but don't know about how they would taste? Here are some meal suggestions. Add dried figs to your favorite breakfast cereal. If you are into salads, try them with fennel and Parmesan cheese. Dried figs make excellent snacks all by themselves, just stuff with honey and some almonds. Yogurt is so bland all by itself; make sure to add some figs. Have a bit of a sweet tooth, stuff figs with cheese and nuts for a tasty dessert snack. You can have your own fig muffins, just add cake mix. Figs are a healthy treat, you just have to try.

Dried Figs

Here is a simple step by step process of drying your own figs. First you by them from the supermarket. Second, wash them thoroughly to rid yourself of any pesticides still present. Third, cut each fig in half. Fourth, find yourself a wooden rack (or if not that a tray which dehydrates food) and be sure to put those figs in constant direct sunlight. Fifth, make sure to protect your figs from flies and other bugs by covering them with a cloth. Sixth, make sure to put them back inside when it gets dark, morning conditions will ruin them. Seventh, it will be two days until your figs are ready. Eighth, make sure to store your fruit correctly or the freezer or refrigerator will ruin them.


Figs have high potassium quantities, of which regulates the cardiovascular system. Not only when you have too much sodium in your diet, but when you have too little potassium you could develop hypertension. It is not recommended to take potassium supplements, but rather it is recommended to eat foods containing the nutrient. It is suggested that people get 4.7 grams of potassium a day. Your goal is to equal the amount of sodium in your diet with the amount of potassium. While this is not easy, the best way to go about it is to eat more vegetables and fruits (like figs) and fewer processed foods. While potassium shortages are not normal, they can be had by having a diet with fewer than a thousand calories a day. Make sure if you are on a restricted diet, to take proper vitamins.

How to Diet Food Review - Pistachio Nuts

If you are interested in dieting, you may have heard talk of how to diet. I can almost guarantee you haven't heard everything though. In fact, if you read the rest of this how to diet review, you'll discover three features almost nobody is talking about...yet...


Free radicals cause damage to you at the cellular level. This type of nut protects you with substances called antioxidants that fight against this radiation. Pistachios help to deplete lipids; fats and other fatty substances such as waxes and oils, from the body. Lipids and how to diet lipoproteins are what are considered to be bad cholesterol, the type of substance that is responsible for strokes and heart attacks. The antioxidants in the pistachio nuts also prevent the inner arteries from building up plaque. Vitamin E helps to keep your heart healthy, beta-carotene helps to prevent cancer and how to diet Lutein is good for the skin. Free radicals can come from places as diverse as biological stress to exposure to the sun. They are particularly destructive because they cause damage to you all over your body.

Lower Cholesterol

Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats decrease cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, as opposed to saturated and especially trans fat, which would otherwise increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. A how to diet rich in pistachio nuts has been tested and found to lower both HDL and LDL in the human blood system. People who eat pistachios do not gain weight from the fat inside the how to nut, this is because of an open secret; good fats do not make you fat. As with other how to diet nuts, pistachios have large amounts of fiber, which helps to eliminate excess toxins from your body, particularly those which have to do with the bad fats. Ninety percent of the fat in pistachio nuts are unsaturated, those kinds of percentages are excellent, makes it easier to swap out food you like for other this other fat-craving food.

Fantastic Taste

Ice cream makers add all kinds of nuts to their product. The most noticeable is the addition of the how to diet pistachio, which colors the vanilla bordering it green. The pistachio nut itself is shriveled, unlike other how to diet tree nuts which are usually smooth. That kind of shriveled texture hides a huge concentration of fat and flavor beneath its clammy shell. So what is the big deal about pistachio nuts tasting good, how does that affect your ability to diet? Well, it stands to reason that when you eat how to foods you like, you are more likely to keep eating them. Lastly, there is also the chore of opening the how to diet shell, that prevents you from eating too many, or at the very least slows you down and gets you to spend a calorie or two.

How to Diet Food Review - Kiwi

If you are interested in dieting, you may have heard talk of how to diet. I can almost guarantee you haven't heard everything though. In fact, if you read the rest of this how to diet review, you'll discover three features almost nobody is talking about...yet...

Kiwi is not a citrus fruit

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is in great quantities in all citrus fruits. In point of fact, take the lemon, for example. Everyone loves lemonade, but not everyone loves lemons. So instead, when life gives you lemons, take them back (and the rest of those citrus fruits) for a kiwi. Kiwi's taste great, and are perhaps the tastiest fruit in all of nature. It even has variation, from the green outer flesh to the delicious yellow core. This how to diet fruit has more vitamin C than the proverbial orange. So, if a how to diet Kiwi is not a citrus fruit, than what is it? It is considered to be a tropical fruit, and is located in the warmer parts of the world. It is a type of berry which grows on a vine. How to diet citrus fruits have a thick porous shell while the Kiwi has a thin hairy skin.

Eyes resistant to Macular Degeneration

The eyes are filled with cones and rods, carrots could be seen as a type of cone, as it protects the cones, and it looks like a cone. However, how to diet fruits can also been seen as rods, if fruits were less spherical and more container-esque. Anyway, Kiwi's protect your eyes from this disease. Macular degeneration is an age related condition so preparation now can save you later in life. How lucky you are that Kiwis protect you from such a thing. Three how to diet servings a day is all you need, so what, that's breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Eat the skin???

Back in New Zealand the natives eat the skin, but most others around the world take it off. So, is it OK to eat it? Yes, but there are some concerns. First with the positive, the skin of this berry, much like the skin of other fruits and vegetables, is highly nutritious; with high amounts of antioxidants, insoluble fiber and flavonoids. Your how to diet metabolism is aided by the antioxidants and flavoinoids while heart health and the digestive functions are helped with the fiber. OK, so with the bad; the skin is fuzzy. Textually this is a negative with most people. Specifically when how to diet health is a concern, the fuzzy bristles bring with them sand and other debris that can cause serious stomach diseases. Also keep in mind this, pesticides, and you can be sure the fuzzy skin on that thing would only help to keep more of it on the fruit. Choose how to diet organic if you want the skin.

How To Diet: Common Myths, and Myth Busters

Some things work when you are trying to lose weight, and...somethings don't work. Trying to figure out how to diet the right way is often not so simple. However, knowing a few facts will help you to find your way out of the maze. Forget fad diets, forget pre-packaged foods that you buy and then eat apart from your family, forget bars and drinks, and just about most things that are touted to lose weight.

There is no magic bullet when it comes to losing weight. Always remember that it didn't come on overnight and it won't go away overnight either. Now, let's separate a bit of fact and fiction:

Myth Number One: It's good to lose weight fast.

Myth Buster: The purpose of losing weight is to get rid of fat, right? The purpose of dieting is not to merely change the number on the scale. When you lose weight fast, it is almost always because you are losing water or muscle. The only way to lose fat is gradually. Aim for one-half to two pounds per week. (Remember, two pounds per week means 50 pounds in six months)!

Myth Number Two: Severe calorie restriction is a sure way to lose weight fast.

Myth Buster: Your body is designed to slow the speed with which it burns calories if there appears (to the body) to be a danger of starvation. Therefore, you will lose less weight if you restrict your calories too much rather than a moderate amount.

Myth Number Three: A good way to lose weight is to always eat low fat or fat free foods.

Myth Buster: Even if you are eating fat restricted foods, you are still getting plenty of calories because all foods have calories. If you're are going to make a selection and fat restricted food is available, by all means, go for it. Just be sure to watch the calories at the same time.

Myth Number Four: Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight.

Myth Buster: Eat at least three times per day. Skipping meals will deprive your body of needed energy to do its job. The likelihood of overeating at the next meal is very great.

Myth Number Five: The best time to start an exercise program is as soon as I've lost some weight.

Myth Buster: You should begin an exercise program along with your diet. Weight comes off one ounce at a time. An ounce may not show on the scale,but it is nonetheless a loss. Exercise will burn more calories, help you to control your appetite, and tone your muscles.

One final myth to dispel is the idea that you are home free once you have lost the weight. Remember, once you've begun a balanced and nutritional way of eating, keep it up. Otherwise, you will surely gain the weight back.

How to Diet Food Review - Artichokes

If you are interested in dieting, you may have heard talk of how to diet. I can almost guarantee you haven't heard everything though. In fact, if you read the rest of this how to diet review, you'll discover three features almost nobody is talking about...yet...

Fiber High

The leaves of the artichoke are one of the best sources of fiber in the natural world. Fiber works to cut the risk of heart disease, helps to lower cholesterol in the blood and keeps the digestive system maintained. Those with diabetes will do well with high fiber because it levels blood sugar levels. Fiber is good in making you think you are full, and therefore, good for those who are calorie-conscious or are figuring going on a how to diet. There are substances such as fiber powder which you could put in a glass and drink, but why not have it the natural way?

Abundant Antioxidants

Artichokes contain several antioxidants that increase your bodily health, I will name and describe three; Gallic Acid, Rutin and Silymarin. Gallic acid aids in the prevention of prostate cancer and can also be found in black tea and red wine. Rutin helps keep the circulatory system well by keeping inflammation down; it also prevents an abundance of cell growth. Silymarin helps the how to diet regenerative properties of the liver.

General Wellness

Artichokes have various how to diet vitamins and minerals, but I will describe three which are in more substantive amounts; Magnesium, Potassium and Vitamin C. Vitamin C is water soluble and works to strengthen muscle, hair, bone, and other structural parts of the body. Magnesium is good for the creation of bones and keeping our bodily temperatures in balance. Potassium acts as a check against a diet heavy on salt; it also decreases the likelihood of having a stroke.